If you are involved in a car accident in the City of Buffalo or elsewhere in New York State, your medical bills, at least initially, will usually be paid by your automobile insurance company. In many cases, however, your insurer may not pay the full amount that your medical providers are asking.
The maximum amount that insurance companies are required to pay for specific procedures is regulated by the State of New York. When medical providers submit bills to your insurer, the amount they request may exceed the amount that the insurance company believes it is obligated to pay under New York State law. When this happens, the insurer will usually pay the maximum amount it is required to pay and inform the medical provider that they are disputing payment of the outstanding amount.
Some insurance companies provide their injured clients with copies of the documentation informing the medical providers they do not intend to pay the full amount requested, and these clients are often afraid that they will be required to pay the difference. If you are receiving No Fault benefits as a result of a personal injury accident, please be aware that you are not required to make up the difference between what the doctor requested and what is actually paid.
Any dispute in a bill submitted under No Fault insurance law is between the medical provider and the insurance company. If a medical provider does attempt to bill you for the difference, you may wish to consult with an attorney experienced in this area of law to assist you in protecting your rights.