What Happens If I Suffer A Personal Injury And More Than One Party Is Responsible For It? Who Pays For My Injuries, And How Much?

by Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC on January 3, 2010

in Buffalo Injury Questions and Answers

Under New York State law, it is entirely possible to make a claim against more than one party if you are injured.  For example, a factory worker suffers a serious personal injury while operating industrial machinery at his workplace in Buffalo.

If that worker hires a personal injury attorney, that attorney may wish to explore the liability of several different parties who may bear some of the responsibility for the injury.  Possible parties bearing responsibility could include the business where the worker was employed, the company that manufactured the machine, and the company that installed the machine and trained the worker in its use.

Who pays for the injuries, and how much, is a more complicated question.  In New York State, in some types of cases, all parties are responsible for the total amount of damages, so if one party cannot pay its share, the injured party should still receive total compensation because the other defendants have to pay it.

In other types of cases and in certain situations, however, the parties may only be responsible for the amount of damages assigned specifically to them.  If you are involved in a personal injury case involving multiple defendants, your personal injury attorney should be able to provide you with specifics regarding how compensation will be handled based on the facts of your case.

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