Nursing Home Patient Awarded $19 million In Damages

by Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC on January 27, 2010

in Buffalo Injury Questions and Answers

Buffalo has a large percentage of elderly citizens, so we are aware of the difficulties that can arise when making sure these individuals are properly cared for.  On the other side of New York State, a personal injury lawsuit has resulted in the family of John Danzy, a nursing home patient, receiving $19 million in damages.

Apparently, it is the first case to have brought punitive damages against a nursing home in New York State.

According to the lawsuit and family accounts, Mr. Danzy suffered more than twenty bedsores and suffered an infection after merely six months at the facility.  When he returned to his family, his weight had dropped from 237 pounds to 148 pounds.

The jury awarded Mr. Danzy’s family $3.75 million for pain and suffering and $15 million in punitive damages.  The punitive damages arose, at least in part, from testimony that the nursing home had altered its records in an effort to hide the degree to which Mr. Danzy had been neglected while at the facility.

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