Buffalo personal injury attorneys, and I suspect those elsewhere, can often develop the bad habit of using a form of “legal shorthand” when speaking to their clients. Another lawyer would know what an attorney means when he uses the term “Discovery,” but there is no reason a client would.
When your personal injury attorney says discovery is beginning in your case, he or she means that your attorney and the attorney representing the defendant will begin making formal requests for information from each other. The documents the lawyers submit on these issues carry names such as “Notice for Discovery and Inspection” and “Verified Bill of Particulars,” each of which is used to seek specific types of information.
These documents usually include requests for items such as a list of the injuries being claimed, who provided medical treatment, and the names of any witnesses to the accident leading to the injury. Once the lawyers exchange this type of information, they can better evaluate the strength and weaknesses of their position regarding the case.
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