I’m Still In Pain But Need Money. Will It Hurt My Case If I Go Back To Work?

by Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC on June 24, 2011

in Buffalo Injury Questions and Answers

When a Buffalo personal injury victim is rendered unable to work, they are often placed in a peculiar situation.  On the one hand, if they return to work before they are ready, it may appear that they are healed.  On the other hand, if they do not return to work, it may appear that they are using the injury as an excuse to stop working.

Unfortunately, in a personal injury lawsuit the victim can be assured that the defense will use whatever action they take in this situation against them in some way.  A quick return to work will be portrayed by the defense as proof that the injury was really not that serious.  A slow return to work will be portrayed as evidence of malingering and a lack of effort to get on with your life following the accident.

The real answer to this situation is that your return to work should be predicated upon what you and your medical providers determine is best suited for you given your particular condition.  It should not be based on its potential impact on the outcome of your personal injury lawsuit.

If you have suffered a personal injury and cannot work, we would be happy to answer your questions at 716-542-5444.

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