I Suffered A Serious Personal Injury And Have Been Treated By Several Doctors. Will They All Have To Testify?

by Friedman & Ranzenhofer, PC on January 10, 2011

in Buffalo Injury Questions and Answers

Buffalo personal injury attorneys learn quickly that when a person has suffered severe or multiple injuries in a personal injury accident, they usually will need to see several treatment providers.  Those injured in an accident deserve to receive the best care possible, which may require several specialists and diagnostic testing.  Decisions regarding who to see regarding medical treatment are best left to the patient in consultation with his or her medical providers and should not be influenced by any potential litigation.

If you do need to see a variety of doctors and your case goes to trial, it is unlikely that they would all be required to testify.  While the possibility exists that this could happen, an experienced personal injury attorney will usually be able to review the available medical information and narrow down which treatment providers will be needed to testify to establish the extent of your injuries and treatment.  As a result, the number of providers needed to testify will usually be limited.

Which providers are needed to testify and how many is, of course, a subject that must be determined on a case by case basis. 

If you have suffered a personal injury and have any questions, please feel free to call my office at 716-542-5444.

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