There is no set amount, and the percentage may vary by region. So a personal injury attorney in Buffalo, for example, may request a different percentage than a lawyer in another part of the country, or even in another part of New York State.
In New York State, lawyers’ fees are governed by the New York Rules of Professional Conduct. In cases where the lawyer earns a percentage of the damages recovered, such as personal injury cases, these rules require that the fee not be “excessive.” Factors weighed in determining what is excessive include the difficulty of the case, the amount of time the lawyer anticipates spending, any time limitations imposed, the reputation and experience of the lawyers involved, and the fee customarily charged in that geographic region for similar cases.
In the Buffalo area, most local lawyers typically charge of one-third of the amount recovered as their fee, although this may vary depending on the factors described above. The fee earned by the lawyer is typically determined after any expenses are deducted. If no money is recovered, the lawyer will not earn any fee.
Prior to taking your case, your lawyer should enter into a written agreement with you which includes an explanation of how much the lawyer will be paid. Before hiring an attorney, you should be sure you have a full understanding of how he or she will be compensated.
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